Sunday, January 11, 2009

Teach Someone To Fish

This is an old saying that is so well known that most people know the beginning, “If you give someone a fish, you will need to give them a fish tomorrow…

Teaching someone to fish is an incredibly wise saying. Our role in life shouldn’t be to get others to become dependent on us. If I give $5 to a beggar, he/she will still be a beggar tomorrow. That may appease my conscience but it only confirms to the beggar what they already think about themselves.

But have you ever taught someone to fish? Have you ever personally put someone in a plan that actually changed their circumstances? I’m not talking about quoting a saying or telling them to look for a job or telling them to go back to school. If so, I’d love to hear what you did.

I know of one couple that lives on about $30,000 a year, has 7 children and is putting a student through university in another country. They have no desire to make someone a beggar but they are providing real possibilities for a future for that one person.

My guess is that most people are not personally making someone else’s financial future better. They may provide short term relief but teaching someone to fish still eludes most people, no matter how big a heart they have.

So, is a well-known saying, filled with wisdom, a valuable saying if it's not practiced? Or is it just nice sounding words that make us feel good because we can quote them.

With the economic situation being what it is, what answers do you have for people who are losing jobs in the housing industry, retail sales, automotive industry, investment industry, and all of the negative spin offs that will come from these major job sources losing ground?

What do you say to those people who have lost much of their investment savings that they were counting on for retirement? They might not even be able to get a job at a fast food joint slinging fries as more people will be competing for these types of jobs.

What do you say to the large number of people who are now competing for the same decreasing number of jobs? “I’ll teach you to fish. Oh, by the way, there are no fish to be caught.” Will you tell them to go back to school, creating a debt in excess of $50,000, for a job that 100’s of other people are trying to get by going back to school, as well?

Do I have an answer on how to teach someone to fish?


One of the few bright spots in this economy is in the area of direct sales, specifically network marketing. This is a virtually recession proof business model. Does everyone have to be great at sales to enjoy the benefits of being part of a great business plan? NO!

That’s the genius and the possibility that is available to everyone. They just have to be part of the team.

In my company the requirement to make money is to simply spend about $100 per month on nutritional supplements. NOTE: My company also makes the initial $100 per month in nutritional supplements risk free because they have a 6 month money back guarantee.

How many people need to join you in order for you to break even? 6

How long would it take for someone to make their first $100+ dollars? If they register 2 people and they register 2 people (6 in total) in the same month, the first person would make $100 + $40 ($20 per registration). Their 2 people would have also made $40 each.

If they simply committed to this business plan for 6 months, their maximum financial exposure would be about $600. To put that in perspective, a 4 month term at a community college costs about $1,500 and until the program is completed, 2-3 years later, these students don’t even have a chance to compete with the thousands of other graduates looking for the same jobs.

In 5 months, by simply registering two others, who register 2 others, who register 2 others, who register 2 others, who register 2 others, what is your potential monthly income? Approximately $400 - $500 per month.
1st month = 2 new people
2nd month = 4 new people + 2
3rd month = 8 new people + 6
4th month = 16 new people + 14
5th month = 32 new people + 30
(60 people spending $100 per month)

At the same time 10 other people would be making in excess of $100 per month. How many people did you personally get involved to accomplish this?


The SIMPLICITY of this plan is why it is so filled with possibilities and why virtually anyone can succeed at it.

When this pattern is repeated into the 6th month, you could be making between $800 - $1,000 per month. The 2 people that you personally signed up could be making between $400-$500 month.

You have taught them to fish.

There’s significantly more dollars to be made in this business model but getting people to the point of covering their rent is not a bad beginning.

Can this process go faster? Of course, no one is limited to registering just 2 people.

Do you have to know everything to get your 2 people registered? NO!

That’s the strength of joining a team. Your team will even help you to explain this plan to the 2 people that you want to help.

Everyone who registers simply needs to commit to this business model, spending $100 on high quality nutritional supplements per month for the first six months. You won’t get people to join you, if you aren’t willing to commit to something as simple as this. This is not a do as I say business.

It is a do as I’m DOING business.

DON’T FORGET: that minor commitment is risk free because of the 6 month money back guarantee.

Learning to fish would probably take longer than this.

Teaching someone to fish has never been simpler.

To learn more about this incredible business opportunity check out these 2 websites.