Saturday, June 19, 2010

Pay IT Forward

The Need:

Doctors Without Borders has documented the extent of the need.
Mannatech has stepped up with a solution to that need.

Note: Mannatech will co-labor with you to provide a month's supply of the highest quality nutritional supplementation available to one child for every qualifying auto order from it's associate base in North America. 

What does this mean in real terms?
Currently over 50,000 orphans are being provided for and that number will quickly double as this program goes beyond North America and into Mannatech worldwide in the fall.  That is just the beginning and the Give 4 REAL plan that is highlighted below, will be the mechanism to eventually care for an unlimited number of children.  A staggering goal from one company and yet it can be reached by people who simply catch the vision and pass it on to 2 others. This is an incredible win/win/win for those who choose to participate.

A Sustainable Plan - Give 4 REAL

Once a person understands the incredible need that malnutrition and undernourishment represents in the lives of at least 200 million children with one child dying every 6 seconds, that person then faces three obvious choices:

1) give from funds that you have already have
2) create sustainable giving by receiving first and giving to two others
3) do nothing

The Key Understanding to the Give 4 Real plan is that each Giver must receive first. What does this mean? Several years ago I heard Robert Kiyosaki, in a video presentation, give some interesting statistics on how people tend to use the money they have available. My paraphrase of what he said is the following:

If we gave 100 people $10,000 each today, and told them to use it as they wish, and that we would come back one year later to find out what each had done. Upon doing so, statistically, we would find the following. 

·      80 people would have $0 left.
·      16 would have about $10,300 to $10,500.
·      4 would have between $20,000 and $1,000,000.
Why? The results directly correlate with the arithmetic function given priority in the lives of the people of each group. The 80% focus on subtraction. The 16% focus on addition. Only the 4% focus on multiplication as a priority. How do the 4% multiply? They have a totally different strategy about their use of money than the other 96%.

Most people in all three groups know that the following are good and legitimate uses of the money they have available:
·      Spending,
·      Giving,
·      Investing, and
·      Saving

However, statistically, the strategy employed by 96% of the people is the following: People of the 80% and 16% groups spend first as a priority, and then plan to give, invest and save. With this strategy, how much is left to give, invest and save? Usually $0, or something very close to $0.

The 4% employ a very simple, but totally different strategy. People of the 4% group designate a certain percentage of their available income to give first as a priority. They next have a certain percentage that they have designated for investing and saving. They then only spend what’s left. They place “firewalls” around their giving and investing categories and don’t allow circumstances to change or invade their giving first. Why do they do this? I think that it is for the following two reasons:
1.     Because they are on a mission, and deeply care about the projects, people, programs, and charities they give to.
2.     Because they actually believe in the principle of sowing and reaping. These people understand and believe that money given in the present always returns into their future in multiplied form.

Having said this, you can now see why I am looking to engage people in the Give 4 Real plan who understand and are willing to commit to this principle of receiving, investing and then donating. We are asking each giver to take responsibility for maintaining in each business period his/her own automatic order and the automatic orders of the team of 2 others. The goal is that each new person will be donating themselves and that all you will do is maintain your own automatic order.

Each person needs to be willing to receive, then commit to investing in two others and then giving. Why this order?  It's like when you are on an airplane and some malfunction takes place, the oxygen masks drop down and you are told to put yours on first even before your own child.  Why? You can't help anyone if you are not breathing.  You need to become sustainable so that the child you are caring for isn't at risk to circumstances beyond your control (loss of job, accident, etc.)  and you are no longer able to help them.

This guarantees that three children will be nutritionally supported each business period. What each participant must clearly understand is that for any or each automatic order (out of the 3) that is not completed in any business period, the nutritional support for one child is not supplied that month!

You can even have your monthly auto order go to a charity of your choice or Mannarelief.  In that case an additional five children would be helped through just your order.

I believe that we as givers, must understand and convey the vision to every new Giver that we are engaging in a social movement of private citizens, who feel a sense of mission and responsibility to truly make a difference in the lives of hundreds of millions of children that are at risk from undernourishment and malnutrition around the world.

Caution: Don't get overwhelmed by the numbers.  Your commitment is from yourself and two others. The principle of multiplication will take care of the rest.

The Law of Multiplication     

The law of multiplication is the same principle that all farmers are aware of, "SOWING AND REAPING."  Exponential growth can happen in weeks, months or years.  The law of multiplication is staggering when it is applied.  Here is a simple example based on the Give 4 Real plan of just involving 2 others.

2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 = 128

Doubling every month for six months = 128 orphans.  
Doubling every month for 20 months = 2,000,000 orphans.  

How many people did you personally invest in? 

Is it really this simple?   
Give 4 Real means that you take responsibility to ensure that 3 automatic orders in each business period (yours and your 2 front line Givers) happens each month. Give 4 Fake means that you just sign up without the commitment to invest first.

If you don't have the money to invest in others, cut out coffee or some other luxury that you won't miss. Children are worth the sacrifice.

So let’s Give 4 Real, and engage others who want to Give 4 Real.

OK, I’m in. I want to Give 4 Real. So, what do I do?

Do the following 5 steps:

     1. Receive your $109 in the US or $99 in Canada registration pack.
2.     Invest in 2 other people giving them a Preferred Customer Product Pack and place a minimum $100 automatic monthly order the following month.
      (this isn't required but the reality is when people don't commit to something, nothing happens.)
4.     You take responsibility for always retaining in every BP your minimum $100 automatic order and the minimum $100 automatic orders of your team of 2 other givers. (If one drops out, you are responsible to replace that order!)  In the compensation plan, when there are 6 people under you, 2 people who got 2 people (6) you will will earn a $100 commission.  (The commissions grow significantly as well.  That's all spelled out in the comp plan but this is about vision and not the money.)
5.     Help your 2 givers identify, envision, and give to 2 other givers who each do the same above 4 steps. That is sustainability.  We don't want to start what we will not finish.

This is a sustainable plan that is simple and reproducible.  A farmer plants a seed knowing there will be a huge harvest.  Allow me the privilege of planting a seed in your life.  Thank you.

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